Dates: 27.5.-8.6.
Project: Creating a link between visual art and bioinformation.
Bio: Working group Biomimeticx2, Päivi Maunu MA (environmental art) and Marko Nykänen PhD (cell biology and biotechnology) utilize their expertise in art and science-combining studies and works. The natural cooperation between the environmental artist and the cell biology reveals unexpected connections and solutions. The members of the team work actively and participate in festivals and conferences in their own fields.
..and same in Finnish..
Työryhmä Biomimeticx2, Päivi Maunu TaM (ympäristötaide) ja Marko Nykänen FT (solubiologia) hyödyntävät erityisosaamistaan taidetta ja tiedettä yhdistävissä tutkimuksissa ja teoksissa. Ympäristötaiteilijan ja solubiologin luonteva yhteistyö tuo esiin yllättäviä yhteyksiä ja ratkaisuja. Työryhmän jäsenet toimivat aktiivisesti ja osallistuvat omien alojensa festivaaleihin ja konferensseihin.
Ayelet Optional Sella
Dates: July 1-8
Project: Wild Tom Yum
Bio: Art_Tech_Design_Magic
Grayson Earle
Update #6 – Wow! Applications over!
- Provide a couple travel stipends to some cool participants from far away!
- pay some documentarians to help us capture the whole event!
- Add sustainability measures to our conference (like industrial water purifiers instead of using tons of plastic bottles)
- and lots more!
- We will look over the applications! My goal is to try to get as many of you here as possible! We had a LOT of folks apply though, so we are rushing to figure out how much we can expand it if possible. Logistics are going to be our big challenge here
- Refine dates period- lots of people have asked me about changing dates, we may send out a more refined survey to learn exactly what days everyone is planning on coming
- We will send your official acceptances (or waitlistings) in February (will try to make this as soon as possible, but bear with us)
- Refine your details period
- You will need to fill out a form to make any revisions to your project proposals
- You can revise any of your personal details and contact info (we will only use the personal info you give us, so you can make up pseudonyms or whatever you want).
- You will also send in a photo you want us to share related to you or your project
- you will also send in a SUPER SHORT 3 sentence bio (most node leaders already have this taken care of.
- you will select a publication type – see below
- Publishing Projects -You will have a choice after you are accepted of how we publish your project on our site (the goal is to connect you all to each other, so we want to get started on that!).
- Public-Web / print, Public-Group – This will be the default. We will list your projects and yourselves on our website in a way similar to how we have the node leaders listed at
- Anonymous-Web / print, Public group – If you want, we can leave your personal details or contact information off the website, and still leave up descriptions of your project and the timeframe you are going to be there (so maybe people can coordinate with you). You will still be included internally with our group mailing lists for better coordination.
- Waiver- we will have a basic waiver you need to sign that just says you acknowledge that you are entirely responsible for your own self and safety and such.
- Code of Conduct: We will have a code of conduct you need to agree to about how you are required to be nice to your fellow people on the island (or we will literally kick you off the island!)
- Deposit – as noted in the FAQ, we want to make sure those people signed up and accepted actually show up to claim the space we reserved for them . So we will have you give us a 20$USD deposit that we can give you back on the island (probably in baht).
Matteo Farinella and Pamela Parker
[July 5- 11]
The Department of Amphibological Research
At DiNaCon, Parker and Farinella will collaborate on a playful drawing project in which image recognition software will be (mis)used to interpret the natural world. Inspired by William Beebe’s historical team at the Department of Tropical Research, we’ll employ the new technologies at our disposal as a means for exploration and artistic discovery. In a digital game of ‘telephone’ we will use only computer-generated descriptions of the island’s flora and fauna to communicate with each other the as a basis for illustrations. The results of feeding natural observations through multiple human and computer interpretations will create the basis for game of natural discovery with surreal and potentially revealing results. We will display the final drawings along with their AI descriptions as part of a small exhibition.
Pamela Parker is a designer and artist interested in drawing connections and telling stories. She makes environmental graphic design work for exhibitions, installations for public spaces and urban play projects for fun. She spends a lot of time thinking about what makes a space into a place.
Maggie Kane
]Maggie Kane ( is an experimental artist that specializes in the design and development of sustainable social systems via technology and accessible educational programming.
Streetcat is ~ A free knowledge + education advocate. Founder of feminist/ trans/ non-binary friendly makerspace. Recycled materials artist. Aspiring anime character.
Dinacon 2 Project:
Plastics Hacking! Let’s demystify plastics recycling on a micro-scale and explore various methods of creating new objects out of recycled plastic with various open-source + easily accessible tools.
Maggie is currently focused on developing sustainable educational and income-generating programming for community organizations in the Atlanta area. She serves as a Director and Chair of Activities and Culture for Freeside Atlanta, famously known as Atlanta’s original hackerspace. There, she develops and manages the weekly educational programming that provides free or low-cost classes and events for the community to learn about robotics, electronics, knitting, DIY arcade building, and more.
Update #3
Time is getting close! Applications only have about a week left! Here’s details on what’s coming up, and 2 incredible opportunities to go hop on a boat!
-Application deadline! Jan 30!
If you have applied yet, please do if you want to come!
and help us spread the news for any last minute folks who want to join!
– mid-con sailing adventure!
– a cool contingent of people including Jan (fellow NUS prof), Miguel (fellow NUS Prof), and Yasu (Sound artist), are wanting to put together a little local sailing trip
They plan to “block 17-26 June for sailing in Phuket, and plan to sail for 7 days sometime within that time.
We have already 5 of us, so would need just 3 more for an 8-person crew (which I think shld be easy to find, or otherwise we cld get a smaller boat for 6). I am very preliminarily calculating that the bareboat rental would be about 50ish euro per day per person, so about 350ish euro per person per week (but could be a bit more or less, and there might be other hopefully-small expenses, deposit, insurance, beer fund, etc—but that remains to be researched). — maybe something like her.”
If you want to get involved with this mini-expedition, the point person is probably: Jan Mrazek <> (they are also possibly considering a trip from around singapore to Phuket)
Alex Rogers
[June 3 – June 23]
Alex Rogers is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford where his research focuses on developing and applying artificial intelligence and machine learning within physical sensor systems to address real-world problems around sustainability. Recent work has addressed future energy systems, such as the smart grid, citizen science platforms, and environmental monitoring. Much of his current work is exploring how to use the tools of open-source hardware and software, the ethos of online maker communities, and emerging low-cost lost-volume manufacturing, to develop open tools for environmental scientists. With two PhD students he is developing the AudioMoth acoustic sensor ( and using it to search for a rare insect in the UK and to monitor tropical forests in Belize for illegal hunting and logging.
Alex is a computer scientist and engineer at the University of Oxford exploring how to use the tools of open-source hardware and software, the ethos of online maker communities, and emerging low-cost lost-volume manufacturing (such as 3D printing and laser cutting), to develop open tools for environmental scientists. One example is AudioMoth (; a low-cost acoustic sensor that can be manufactured for $25, compared to $1000 for commercial devices, that is being used to monitor animal species and human activities, such as illegal hunting and logging, in tropical forests.
At the conference, Alex will deploy these devices to perform an acoustic survey of the island, capturing the sounds of native bird and insect species, and will explore a variety of designs for low-cost submersible waterproof housings to extend the range of AudioMoth to the littoral zone.
Update #1 – Free Food!
Some Recent Cool things!
-100 folks! We reached about 100 folks already signed up to come to our awesome conference! That’s really cool! and we expect lots more folks to apply before the deadline Jan 30th!
– People renting their own bungalows- Some folks are renting their own bungalows which expands the conference a bit It looks like at max capacity we will be able to accommodate about 200 people for the 2 months we will be there!
-Free Food! An anonymous sponsor chipped in 1000$USD to help us hire a local chef to provide free vegetarian food for participants (and work with participants doing local-food based projects!) Sort of like we had at
-Other donations- we had about 300$USD worth of other donations people already pitched in to go towards sustainability measures for the conference, travel stipends, and documentation. If you know someone interested in tossing us extra money to sponsor these features for the conferece (or if you know folks who became incredibly rich with crypto currencies over the past couple months) send them over to
-More node leaders- we have a couple more new node leaders enlisted to do public projects that participants can join in on- check them all out here:
-Next Steps- After Jan 30th, we will review the applications, and sort logistics, and hopefully send official acceptances a couple weeks after that!
Thank you! and help us keep spreading the word around! Applications are open until Jan 30th, so help share our conference
and its informative
and silly videos with cool people you know!
andy and tasneem!
Elizabeth Bigger and Luis Fraguada
[July 1 – 7]
Elizabeth and Luis together operate Datable LLC [], a design and technology studio and consultancy based in Barcelona, Spain. Their work combines Elizabeth’s expertise in technical theater, tailoring and wearable electronics with Luis’ expertise in programming, 3d modelling, and interaction.
During the conference they have proposed to develop a general toolkit for contextual wearable devices. The project processes signals from the environment through computer vision and other sensors in order to produce a feedback in series of actuators resulting in expressions of illumination and perhaps other human perceivable media. The wearable will be an interface to both the environment and to the cache of data collected throughout its operation. The process of creating the project can involve a group of people committed to wearing and evolving the wearable throughout the course of the conference.